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Saturday 1 December 2018

The Guinea Pigs World!

So what exactly is the guinea pigs world?

Guinea Pigs rely on their sense of smell to identify each other, to find food, and to avoid poisonous plants and predators. They also recognise other guinea pigs and humans! e.g. The owner/You!

The whiskers are sensitive and they help the guinea pig find it's way in the dark. Also used to measure a gap to see if it can fit through or not.

They use their large tongue and their sensitive lips to make a test if the item can be eaten.

Their 20 teeth grow all the time (Several inches a year!) A constant supply of  nugget food is needed for them to gnaw. Here are some examples:
  • Untreated fruit tree or willow wood
  • Hay
  • Food Nuggets
These are essential to prevent your guinea pig having dental problems. Too long teeth can also kill your guinea pig.

Your fur-balls can see behind them, above their head, to the right, to the left, but they can't see right in front of their noses. They can see Red, green and blue colours.

Like other rodents they can hear far better than you or I can.
Guinea pigs can hear in ultra sonic ranges. This means that they can hear your TV from outside of your home!

Their front two paws have 4 claws and the back two only have 3 claws.

Guinea pigs walk on their heels. They can walk, Jump and Run!

Guinea pigs have a tail but is not visible on the outside of their body. Only an 
X-Ray  would show the eight bones that make up the guinea pigs tail.

Their body is comact and round.

The coat could/can be long, short, straight or/and curly.

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