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Wheek of the Week - 1

This week has had a lot of updates to the site within this week. I have been heavily thinking about expanding the content on the site for ar...

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Travel Tips

So. Lets start off with simple tips going to more advanced tips.

Travel Cages
These are usually small and you can find them in pet stores very easily. We reccomend a bigger one than just a standard sized one. 

You should make shure you have enough food for the whole trip. Make shure there is a pet store near by so you can quickly go and buy some Guinea Pig nuggets and your set (at your destination).

Water / Drinking water
Guinea Pigs need fresh water every day so If the journey takes more that 24 hours bring lots of back up. Therefore if you are going camping with tour guinea pigs (We wouldn't reccomend it) or a longer time away at a place with no running fresh drinking water, bring some for your self and your guinea pigs.

Cars and Scary moments
Guinea pigs often are scared quite easily so if they get scred then try calming them down so they don't have to worry about anything. 

Never take your Guinea Pig/s on a plane. Make shure they are with a relative. Tge plane staff or you wont be ble to check or calm them down and they will have a bumpy ride in the luggage compartment.