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Wheek of the Week - 1

This week has had a lot of updates to the site within this week. I have been heavily thinking about expanding the content on the site for ar...

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Malocclusion and Elongated Roots

 Maloccluded teeth are teeth in which have not worn down properly and have over grown.

Guinea pig's teeth are always growing, which means they have to wear down their teeth to ensure that their teeth do not hurt them, or over grow. When a guinea pig has over-grown teeth, they may struggle to eat or drink, therefore Anorexia would be a side-affect of having over-grown teeth.

Generic signs of Malocclusion

A guinea pig may be finding it hard to eat, or only picking at its food. The mouth of a guinea pig which is suffering with malocclusion may hang slightly open. As usual, by the time most owners notice, their pet would've already lost a lot of weight. Since the mouth may not be able to close properly or at all due to the over-grown teeth. 

Note: The best thing you can do to make sure that your piggies are of a healthy weight is to put them in a weighing scale. Keep a note of this just in case there's an anomaly in their weight.


If you think that your Guinea Pig has Malocclusion and/or Elongated Roots, make sure to see a Vet as soon as you possibly can. Many Guinea Pigs have been misdiagnosed and the malocclusion has gone untreated. For this reason I recommend that if you have the slightest thought of this happening, make sure to see a vet.

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